NIRMO - Documentary Preview
Below is a preview of a Documentary Film titled "NIRMO".
NIRMO is about the link between natural resource plunder and poverty, diseases, environmental collapse, wars NIRMO exposes the links between natural resource plunder by multinational corporations, and resultant mass poverty, pandemics, environmental degradation, social collapse, and wars in the world today.
This documentary follows a WEJ movement that starts with a walk to Toronto from Montreal. The documentary follows the two friends as the struggle to educate the world that there is an alternative to the abject poverty in the world. A major cause of poverty is that these nations which are rich in resources are being robbed by multinational companies. Although a threat to Multinational Corporations, NIRMO is the start to the beginning of ending poverty. NIRMO will bring the countries resource revenue to the hands of it's people and not corporations.
[Expected Release Date: September 2007]
NIRMO will highlight the world's economic history and the role of the multinational corporation in natural resource extraction from the 16th century, through colonialism, to the present day of multilateral institutions such as the World Bank's MIGA.
Viewers will witness the vicious cycle of natural resource depletion within which nations are trapped, which if not checked now, will leave most countries devoid of any life-sustaining resources, by the middle of this century.
The crisis amounts to economic genocide.
The Issue – Mass Poverty: Poverty outranking smoking and AIDS as the world's leading killer. One third of deaths - some 18 million people a year or 50,000 per day - are due to poverty-related causes. That is 270 million people since 1990, roughly equal to the population of the United States.
Poverty amid Immense Natural Resource Wealth
Yet, a casual examination of "poor" countries and ‘poor’ communities reveals that they actually possess immense wealth in the form of natural resources.
Other urgent issues resulting from resource plunder are climate change, water pollution, soil erosion, fish stock collapse, lakes/river system drying, environmental diseases and other pandemics etc.
A new international resource management order [NIRMO] is therefore the basis for 21st century sustainable living, empowering people to take charge of social, economic, political, and ecological governance within their respective communities. It is the perfect antidote to runaway globalization that leaves dead children in its wake, destroys the natural environment beyond repair, and causes wars and pandemics that threaten world peace, security and biospheric integrity. Once the new international resource management protocol is adopted, countries would be bound to be signatories to it and apply its principles to natural resource management practices. This would have the effect of reducing mass poverty to negligible levels within a few years of adopting the protocol. The new international resource management protocol will be presented to the United Nations for discussion in July 2007, along with a petition of 100,000 signatures from around the world.
Filmed in Canada, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, the documentary depicts in no uncertain terms the link between resource plunder and resultant poverty
NIRMO will highlight the world's economic history and the role of the multinational corporation in natural resource extraction from the 16th century, through colonialism, to the present day of multilateral institutions such as the World Bank's MIGA.
Viewers will witness the vicious cycle of natural resource depletion within which nations are trapped, which if not checked now, will leave most countries devoid of any life-sustaining resources, by the middle of this century.
The crisis amounts to economic genocide.
The Issue – Mass Poverty: Poverty outranking smoking and AIDS as the world's leading killer. One third of deaths - some 18 million people a year or 50,000 per day - are due to poverty-related causes. That is 270 million people since 1990, roughly equal to the population of the United States.
Poverty amid Immense Natural Resource Wealth
Yet, a casual examination of "poor" countries and ‘poor’ communities reveals that they actually possess immense wealth in the form of natural resources.
Other urgent issues resulting from resource plunder are climate change, water pollution, soil erosion, fish stock collapse, lakes/river system drying, environmental diseases and other pandemics etc.
A new international resource management order [NIRMO] is therefore the basis for 21st century sustainable living, empowering people to take charge of social, economic, political, and ecological governance within their respective communities. It is the perfect antidote to runaway globalization that leaves dead children in its wake, destroys the natural environment beyond repair, and causes wars and pandemics that threaten world peace, security and biospheric integrity. Once the new international resource management protocol is adopted, countries would be bound to be signatories to it and apply its principles to natural resource management practices. This would have the effect of reducing mass poverty to negligible levels within a few years of adopting the protocol. The new international resource management protocol will be presented to the United Nations for discussion in July 2007, along with a petition of 100,000 signatures from around the world.
Filmed in Canada, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, the documentary depicts in no uncertain terms the link between resource plunder and resultant poverty
For more information please e-mail or call our office at 613.866.2661
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
These noble sentiments are truely commendable. What workable strategy do you have in place to see them to reality? The Kenyan case seems again that the desires of the people have been outmaneuvoured by the forces that be.
At 3:52 PM,
karanja wanyee said…
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